While riding on Muni it is acceptable to have quick cell phone conversations to coordinate meeting locations, timing, directions, etc. HOWEVER don't confuse Muni with your living room or for that matter any room in your house. I know, you're thinking to yourself, how in the world would someone get that confused? I've seen people in that condition. They sit on Muni and discuss their personal lives, their bank accounts, how much money they owe credit card companies. I once even learned, in grossly graphic detail, about a man's hernia and heard a woman give out her routing number and checking account number. Seriously people, do you really want the half-naked homeless guy two rows over from you to know that much about your personal life and your finances? I have decided that from now on cell phone conversations I hear while riding the bus will be posted here. I will remove any information that might be harmful, such as people's full names and/or financial information, but the rest will be up here in black and white for the world to see. I think you guys are going to find it pretty surprising what people will talk about while on the bus.